Thursday, October 27, 2011

More updates!

October 27th appointment - 34 weeks 6 days - measuring at 36 weeks but lost two pounds from my weigh in two weeks ago. Blood sugars look alright most of the time but some of my fastings are high. Working with nutrition to try to correct that. Not using insulin or anything to supplment, but just monitoring and changing my diet. Ultrasound showed that my fluid levels were good. Belt monitoring showed the baby's heart rate would go up as she moved. They had to use this vibrating thing to wake her up because she wasn't moving at first. After that she didn't want to stop moving. No contractions and her heart rate did what it was supposed to. So far so good - five weeks left! :) Back again to the doctor in one week!

October 13th appointment - 32 weeks 6 days - doctor didn't tell me what I measured at. But I will start NLT? (something like that) in two weeks. For this I will be seen once a week and come in weekly each Thursday morning. I will have an ultrasound and fetal monitoring wtih the belts on my belly. Two pound weight gain from 3 weeks ago.

October 11 we took the boys to a sibling class at the hospital. They got to practice holding a baby and changing a diaper (on dolls). The boys went with us to tour the labor and delivery floor to see where mommy will stay and where they will meet their baby sister. I really liked this class. Conner laughed all through the short video. It taught that babies can only eat formula from a bottle of breast milk and pointed out some other good things as well.

September 22 appointment - 29 weeks 6 days - bp 119/77 and only gained two pounds since my last visit (about a month ago). Baby's heart rate was in 130s.

September 22 was the labor and delivery class. We got to tour the labor and delivery floor. This was helpful. The movies we watched were not that helpful. If anything they just worried me about pains of labor again!

September 17 we had the 3D/4D ultrasound in Lake Charles. Our whole family was there and to my surprise Conner could actually make things out and would say "There is her face" or "There is her hand" as we watched on the screen. We have a DVD and lots of pictures! We were very happy!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September Update on Appointments

I need to play a little catch up here. Much harder to keep up with this while working and having kids! I will be posting more pictures soon also!

September 1 I had an ultrasound scheduled to check on the placenta location. Worry here could be if the placenta was too low and could potentially be blocking the opening to the cervix. If this happens and they don't know about it then it could tear and have the potential for the mom to bleed to death. That makes it sound very scary! So I am glad they are checking everything to make sure I will be fine. If there is a problem, then they would have to schedule a section for me which kind of scares me too! I just hope everything will be alright. Clint was able to come to the appointment with me. I could see just how happy he was to see our baby girl moving around. She really just kept moving the whole time. The sonogram tech was going to just double check for us that she was a girl and she had a hand down between her legs trying to block it from us! But she did move it and we were able to confirm, yet again, we are having a baby girl! Since we only saw a tech, we have to wait for the radiologist to review the pictures of the placenta location, and then at my next OBGYN appointment I will have some results back.

August 25 I had my regular OBGYN check up appointment. I was almost 25 weeks and 6 days. She measured to the top of my uterus and said I was measuring at about 25 weeks. Zane was with me and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. He was so excited to hear it and noted that it seems like the heartbeat sounds louder and stronger now. Everything was good, next appoint in another four weeks. Next to schedule my ultrasound and blood work for the glucose screening and probably a few other things and urine test.

July 29 I had my regular OBGYN check up appointment. I was 22 weeks. Zane was still in MT with Grandma Carol, but Clint and Conner were at the appointment. We were able to hear the baby's heartbeat and find out that everything was ok. There was a doctor in training there with the regular Nurse Practitioner that I see and he read to me back the 20 week ultrasound results. They noted the placenta was low and recommended a follow-up ultrasound to make sure that the placenta was moving up as the pregnancy progressed.

June 28 I had a regular OBGYN check up appointment. I was 17 weeks and 6 days. The baby's heart rate was 147 beats per minute. I gained about 6 pounds at this point.

June 18, I was 16 weeks and 1 day we went for an ultrasound in Lake Charles. We found out we were having a baby girl! So exciting! Clint and Conner were there to sit on the comfy couches and watch the ultrasound on the connected TV mounted up on the wall. It was really exciting for all of us.

June 1 I had a regular OBGYN check up appointment. I was 13 weeks and 6 days. Baby heartrate was 150 beats per minute. I need to schedule my ultrasound for between 20-22 week s to check all of the organs.

May 5 I had a regular OBGYN check up appointment. I was 9 weeks and 6 days. The baby's heart rate was 177 beats per minute. I previously had lab work done on April 25 and it all came back just normal/fine. I also previously had an ultrasound to check to be sure our due date was correct. Due date stands at 12/2/2011. I think the actually measuring at around 9 weeks was for the due date to be 12/3 but they decided to just keep it at 12/2/2011 because obviously there can be a little deviance from the norm.

My initial intake appointment I had a very helpful LPN who took my vitals, gave me a big water bottle and lots of information. I needed to schedule my first appointment, get bloodwork done (somewhere around 9 tubes of blood and I didn't pass out), and schedule an early ultrasound for sizing of the baby. I took tests on February 19, 2011 at home that were saying pregnant, but must have had a very early miscarriage or the egg didn't actually implant into the wall - since the ultrasound confirmed that this was a new pregnancy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Baby on the Way

Thought I should keep up with my blog on the latest Baby Standlea! Pictures and more info to come! Due date is December 2, 2011 and the doctors are saying "It's a Girl!"

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another doctor appointment and less than a week til my due date!

So I had a doctor appointment today at 39 weeks and 2 days! They did a cervical check and said I was 2cm dilated and maybe only 20% effaced. So making a little progress. She didn't do a sweeping of the membranes or anything, but she said things were going along ok. She said the baby was still a little bit in a high position, maybe a +4 position as a guess. She also said he wasn't a huge baby and didn't seem worried about his size. She said he was maybe around 8 pounds after feeling around my stomach pretty good. Clint got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Her machine wasn't working that great which was a little scary at first, but then we heard our strong heartbeat! So any day now!!!

There are a few pictures from a maternity photo session at the photographers blog. Her website is

Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting closer and closer!

Had an appointment today at 38 weeks 5 days. The midwife was GREAT and so nice! She is the one army midwife there. She reminded us that we don't HAVE to have everything thats recommended and pointed out the stuff on the eyes can make their eyes puffy, so I think we might delay for 30 minutes to an hour so we can get a few little pictures of Conner before he has puffy eyes. She said she estimated the baby was 7 to 7.5 pounds. She did a real thorough job feeing him and his position head down. She measured me at 37cm. So we are assuming the baby has dropped from before. I didn't have her do a cervical exam, athough at first she was so excited to do it and possible sweep my membranes, haha! So we all thought that it would be better to wait til my next appointment (5 more days) and then have them check my cervix then. Clint should be going with me to that one! That appointment is back with the lady who didn't seem to care much about me and seemed too pre-occupied with another patient who she wanted to get a C-section.

Had an appointment last week at 37 weeks 5 days. This midwife was really nice! I had her do a cervical check and she thought I wasn't dialated and was maybe 25% effaced. She said my cervix was softening and so my braxton hicks contractions were doing something to get me ready! She measured me at 39.5cm!

38 weeks 1 day

38 weeks
Vicky and I made a belly cast! This was a lot of fun and turned out really great! We just got the things we needed at a medical supply store and really only used about $20 worth of material! It was worth it! Not sure what to do with it now! Maybe put Conner's footprints on the side where he kicks the most or something. Any ideas?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Less than 3 weeks til my due date!

I made it through a little cold that definitely had me under the weather. I was sick for about two weeks and it is just now starting to go away. Thursday, March 6th I started to feel more braxton hicks contractions than ever before. This sort of freaked me out, feeling unprepared for labor and delivery, so I looked up the childbirth class dates and times in Olympia. The very last all day class was on Saturday the 8th, so I signed right up! My dad went with me the first half of the class and my mom went with me to the second half. I feel so lucky to have such a supportive family. It was a pretty informative class. She told us a lot about the process of birth and the stages, practiced some breathing while holding handfuls of ice cubes (this was not easy with a stuffed up nose being all congested and tired from that), and we got to try out all kinds of massaging things to see what we liked the best! With that class I also got a infant safety and CPR class which was on the 15th. Christina went with me to this! Again, thanks to my supportive family! We learned more opinions of all kinds of baby products - some useful and some not...but I have noticed that when someone has a good or bad opinion on something, they seem to think that is the ONLY good thing for instance. Like only this detergent is the best....almost implying all the other ones are bad. I am just taking all the advice and will form my own opinions. This way I can decide what is best for us and go from there. I am sure there will be trial and error with things too. So of course after my few days of more and more braxton hicks contractions, they have died back down to being more just one or two in the evening like normal (from 33 weeks on). So he is trying to hold out til daddy gets back!

I also had my 36 week appointment on the 10th. I saw a third midwife, Backman, and she was so distracted with another patient. I really feel like I did not get a "real" appointment or have her full attention. I am going to say something about it, in a nice way, at my next appoint. She was just a little discouraging to see because I am with the midwives, and I liked the idea of having a midwife because I expected a little more attention and care as I will be nervous with this all being my first time. She measured my uterus at 34 cm, which is the same from my 33 week appointment. If Conner hasn't grown in 3 weeks, I think this would raise concern and she would remeasure. She actually didn't even tell me the number when the other two did. I had to ask and she didn't even seem phased. I am sure Conner has been growing though! He seems bigger in my belly, thats for sure! At 36 weeks I had gained 30 pounds exactly. I haven't weighed myself since then so we will see!! I think I am staying in the 25-35 range pretty good though, despite my daily need for ice cream and whatever sounds good! =)

Thursday I have a breastfeeding class and Friday another appointment! More updates to come soon! Here are my weekly pictures from the last few weeks:

37 weeks St. Patricks Day!

36 weeks

35 weeks 1 day

Friday, February 29, 2008

Just over 5 weeks to my due date!

Well as of about 33 weeks I have been having daily Braxton Hicks contractions. A few a day, in no regular pattern, but more typically at night time. There aren't painful in any way and I figure my body should practice as much as it wants to! I have had a little more back pain and notice a slight swelling in my hands and feet off and on, but nothing too bad. Still wearing my rings! =) Still another week til I go in to meet another midwife. Then two and a half weeks after that I meet the 4th midwife. Seems like my appointments are so spaced out, but even with my asking for more appointments to get to know the midwifes better - they didn't offer me up any other appointments. I am getting so excited, anxious, and nervous about the big day and after! So many questions - like when he will come, how the labor will be, the length of the labor, will he have any problems, what kind of baby will he be, will clint be here?? ect ect ect I try to keep them in the back of my mind, but the closer I get the more I seem to think about them!

34 weeks 1 day

Photoshop is so cool what you can do with it! 34 weeks exactly here!!

33 weeks

33 weeks and 6 weeks comparison in the same shirt! Look at how much he has grown!