Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting closer and closer!

Had an appointment today at 38 weeks 5 days. The midwife was GREAT and so nice! She is the one army midwife there. She reminded us that we don't HAVE to have everything thats recommended and pointed out the stuff on the eyes can make their eyes puffy, so I think we might delay for 30 minutes to an hour so we can get a few little pictures of Conner before he has puffy eyes. She said she estimated the baby was 7 to 7.5 pounds. She did a real thorough job feeing him and his position head down. She measured me at 37cm. So we are assuming the baby has dropped from before. I didn't have her do a cervical exam, athough at first she was so excited to do it and possible sweep my membranes, haha! So we all thought that it would be better to wait til my next appointment (5 more days) and then have them check my cervix then. Clint should be going with me to that one! That appointment is back with the lady who didn't seem to care much about me and seemed too pre-occupied with another patient who she wanted to get a C-section.

Had an appointment last week at 37 weeks 5 days. This midwife was really nice! I had her do a cervical check and she thought I wasn't dialated and was maybe 25% effaced. She said my cervix was softening and so my braxton hicks contractions were doing something to get me ready! She measured me at 39.5cm!

38 weeks 1 day

38 weeks
Vicky and I made a belly cast! This was a lot of fun and turned out really great! We just got the things we needed at a medical supply store and really only used about $20 worth of material! It was worth it! Not sure what to do with it now! Maybe put Conner's footprints on the side where he kicks the most or something. Any ideas?

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